Further Information - Sturt Stony/Burke & Wills Trek
A Typical Day
Please note!:
Routine is critical when working with trained animals and our daily routine is built around the camels day. The following is an example of a 'normal' day.
Remembering that the success of the trek depends on the active participation of all trek members, we ask that you participate to the best of your ability without over doing it. Working together as a team, assisting the crew in the daily routine of running the trek, is an important factor in enjoying our time in the desert. Typical duties would include helping to saddle the camels, load and unload equipment (all under the supervision of the crew), collecting firewood or assisting with shepherding the camels at the end of the day. We feel that the journey represents a balanced mix of healthy work, relaxation and personal discovery.
The day begins at first light when the crew untie the camels from their night trees and shepherd the camels (perhaps with your help!) whilst they feed. The crew will have their breakfast first whilst the campfire is brought back to life, the billy boiled and breakfast is served for the rest of the trekking group.
After breakfast, we pack up camp and the camels are brought in ready to be loaded with saddles and equipment. Everyone helps in this precision exercise, under the supervision of the crew. We usually break camp between 9.00 & 9.30 a.m. and our pace of travel is based around that of the camels. They normally walk at about 4 kilometres per hour on flat country and 3 kilometres per hour over dunes. We are not in a rush and one of the first things that you will notice as you walk along is the sheer immensity of the desert silence. As you become involved in the day, your senses will soon become attuned to the surrounding desert.
During the morning we stop every hour to adjust loads and have a break, before pulling up for lunch about midday for an hour or so. Lunch is laid out on the tables and this is a time to rest and relax a while.
The afternoon walk follows a similar pattern to that of the morning. Camp is usually struck sometime between 3 and 4.00 p.m. at a suitable place where there is feed for the camels - this is the most critical factor in selecting a campsite. Again, everyone helps to unsaddle the camels and collect firewood etc. The camp is run like a traditional 'stock camp', similar to those that you would find on any large Australian cattle station and is well equipped but not overloaded with the clutter that seems to accompany modern day camping. We carry the essentials - water, food, shelter & swags (bedrolls).
Whilst the camels are grazing, this is a time for you to collect your swag & personal gear and relax, read, or write up the diary. The crew will be preparing dinner and may need some help shepherding camels to make sure that they don't stray too far from camp. All meals are cooked by the crew on the campfire in camp-ovens or woks and dinner is served just before nightfall. At the end of the day, sitting around a campfire in the Australian Outback, surrounded by the desert night, is one of life's great pleasures. It's time to discuss the day's events or just sit back on your swag and absorb the brilliant glow of the stars and the thunderous silence that thousands of square kilometres of desert produces. The camels inevitably become a talking point as our day completely revolves around their day and their ability to negotiate the dunes with their loads which may weigh as much as 250kg.
Day-to-Day Itinerary
The actual day-to-day itinerary of any trek is, to a large degree, unplanned - that is the beauty of travelling with camels and exploring the desert. As the trek is self-sufficient and the camels can travel virtually anywhere, the only definite objective is our final destination. For instance, it is seldom known in the morning exactly where that nights camp will be, as the route taken, weather conditions, availability of camel feed and 'unexpected discoveries' all determine the position of camp. The one constant however, is the daily routine of loading and unloading the equipment onto and off the camels, as well as the general camp duties.
On day 1, we will meet in Birdsville shortly after 1030AM after the Rex flight from Mount Isa arrives. We may have an early lunch in town then will set off to the camel camp located amongst the dunes of the Strzelecki Desert on Clifton Hills Station in South Australia. This trip will be along part of the Birdsville Track and we will arrive at camp in mid to late afternoon.
Upon arrival at the camel camp you will meet your crew and the camels. We will have food and other equipment to pack as we prepare for departure the next morning. Your help with this important task is welcome! You will have time to acclimatise to your new surroundings and organise your personal gear. That evening, your trek leader will talk about the trek route and objectives, the camels and other important safety points.
Day 2 - This first day is also a 'learning day' as your crew will demonstrate how they handle the camels and how the tonnes of saddles & equipment are carried. As the days pass and you become more familiar with the daily activities, the loading/unloading time decreases and the daily trek routine begins to take shape.
The following trekking days consist of the same daily routine. Depending on the weather conditions and wishes & capability of the trekking group, the trek leader may decide to call a half-day/s of trekking. There will be no strict water rationing of drinking water during the trek but please note that the water we carry is for drinking and not washing bodies!
On day 11 we will walk until lunchtime, then unsaddle the camels. The 4WDs will arrive at camp and we will go back to to Birdsville, arriving in late afternoon.
General Notes
The team.
The trekking party comprises up to 9 trekkers, 4 to 5 cameleers and up to 13 camels. Your fellow trekkers could come from many countries but most likely will all be Australian. Most would have had no previous camel trekking experience, whilst others may have been enjoying our treks for many years.
The Trek Leader.
Our leaders are experienced cameleers, each with a love and respect for the camels and the desert and are happy to share their knowledge with you. All are trained in First Aid, as is at least one other crew member.
Camping Equipment.
OCC provides all the camping equipment. You do not need to bring tents or swags. We carry tents in the event of rain - yes, it does rain in the desert during winter! We carry kitchen tables and a kitchen tent for when it rains. Your swag doubles as a comfortable ‘chair’ at night around the campfire in the evenings, however we also carry small fold-up stools.
Before departure we will send you a comprehensive Trek Information Guide which will contain everything you need to know about preparations for the trek.